A Guide to Cleaning Refrigerator Coils

It’s summertime, and you need to make sure the most crucial appliance (Yes, your refrigerator) at your home works properly. But do you know what is the cause behind your fridge not working well? Well, technically speaking there are various factors that contribute to the poor performance of your fridge. But! Not cleaning and maintaining it tops this list of causes. Now, you all must be aware of the condenser coils inside your refrigerator. Overtime, a heavy amount of dirt and debris accumulates inside these coils and your refrigerator hence causes various problems. Therefore, you need the perfect guiding tips for cleaning refrigerator coils and make sure your cooling appliance is free of any dust. But first, let take a look at what these coils are and how they actually work.

What are Refrigerator Condenser Coils?

You want your refrigerator to work smoothly? Making sure all edible items stay fresh and cool at all times? Ring ring! It’s time to fix your condenser coils! The crucial parts of your refrigerator are the condenser coils, which are situated at the bottom or back. They aid in the appliance’s proper temperature maintenance by dispersing the compressor’s heat. Dust, pet hair, and other materials can build up on the coils over time, decreasing their effectiveness and making the refrigerator work harder. Potential malfunctions and increased energy costs may result from this. Maintaining the optimal functioning of your refrigerator and avoiding expensive repairs require routine cleaning.


  • The refrigerator’s condenser coils aid in heat dissipation.
  • The fridge running uses more energy when its coils are dirty because they must work harder.
  • Frequent cleaning increases effectiveness and extends the life of the equipment.
  • For cleaning, use a vacuum attachment or coil brush.

Before cleaning your coils, you need some tools to start working with. Let us take a look at these tools first.

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Tools Required to Clean Fridge Coils

You’ll need the following equipment to clean refrigerator coils effectively;

  • Refrigerator Coil Brush
  • Dust and dirt must be removed from the coils using the refrigerator coil brush.
  • Vacuum Cleaner with a Brush Attachment
  • A vacuum cleaner with a cleaning brush attachment is perfect for removing loose particles.
  • Soft Cloth or Microfiber Towel
  • After cleaning, a soft cloth or microfiber towel works well for wiping down the area.
  • Gloves
  • Wear gloves to shield your hands from any sharp objects and dirt.
  • Flashlight (optional)
  • It makes viewing the coils easier, especially in low light.
  • Optional Refrigerator Coil Cleaner
  • May be used for more thorough cleaning as needed.

Your refrigerator will function more effectively with these tools.

Step-by-Step Method to Clean Coils

Let’s see this method to understand how we can learn cleaning of refrigerator coils.

Unplug the Refrigerator

  • Make sure of safety first
  • Turn off the electricity and disconnect the power to prevent electrical risks.

2. Locate the Coils

  • Inspect the refrigerator’s underside or rear.
  • Consult the handbook if necessary.

3. Remove the Protective Cover

  • Don’t forget to remove any outer cover of your fridge coil.
  • Remove any grill or cover with care.

4. Vacuum Loose Debris

  • Make use of a vacuum attachment for a brush.
  • Don’t let the coils get damaged.

5. Brush the Coils

  • For tough-to-remove grime, use a coil brush.
  • To keep the coils from bending, carefully brush.

6. Clean and Wipe

  • If necessary, use coil cleaner.
  • Use a cloth to wipe away any leftovers.

7. Reassemble and Plug-In

  • After replacing the cover, re-plug the refrigerator.
  • Assure correct operation.

How Often You Should Clean Condenser Coils

Clean the condenser coils regularly to maintain the efficiency of your refrigerator. When to clean your coils? Here’s a look.

  General Recommendation

It is often advised to clean coils every six to twelve months.

  Dusty Environment or Pets

If you live in a dusty region or have dogs that shed, clean your home every three to four months.

  Heavily Used Refrigerators

Refrigerators that are heavily used may require more frequent cleaning.

  Follow Manufacturer Guidelines for Refrigerator Coil Cleaning

Consult the manufacturer’s directions.

  Older Appliances

To maintain performance, clean older refrigerators more frequently.

Frequent cleaning and refrigerator maintenance keep your appliance operating properly and help it last longer.

Final Thoughts

Summing up, regular refrigerator coil cleaning is essential to maintaining the efficiency of your refrigerator. Maintaining clean refrigerator coils helps the device dissipate heat effectively, which keeps it from working harder and using more energy. As we mentioned above, to begin, unplug the fridge and freezer, find the coils at the bottom, then clean the refrigerator of filth and pet hair with a coil brush or brush attachment. Refrigerator condenser coil cleaning will help save expensive refrigerator repairs and prolong the life of your appliance. It is best to do this twice a year.

In conclusion, cleaning refrigerator coils is a quick and straightforward task that guarantees your refrigerator operates smoothly and efficiently. All you need is the necessary materials and a simple, step-by-step procedure. Here’s to a cool & smooth working refrigerator!

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